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JVC DLA-NP51900lm, lamp based, 400K:1 contrast, 4K120P, 65mm all glass lens HDR10+, Frame Adapt HDRw/Theater Optimizer, 93% DCI P3 color, 3 YR Warranty 1st YR

by JVC
  • 4K60p input
  • 0.69-in 4K D-ILA
  • 65mm High Resolution All Glass Lens
  • 1,900 lumen Light Output
  • 40,000:1 Native Contrast / 400,000:1 Dynamic Contrast
  • HDR(Frame Adapt HDR/HLG)
  • ISF ccc certification
  • Available 2 colors
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If that bullet-point list isn’t enough, let us explain. The JVC DLA-NP5 shares the same lens with all but the top tier laser offerings. This means you get motorized zoom, lens shift, and focus. The panel is 4k native so you don’t have to worry about any pixel shifting to create a 4k image. The JVC DLA-NP5 has nearly the same brightness as the NZ7 laser offering (2200 compared to 1900 of the NP5).

What’s particularly exciting is the futureproofing of the offerings. The JVC DLA-NP5 can accept a 4k/120 signal and is compatible with the latest version of HDCP (2.3 at this printing). While it can’t accept an 8k/60 signal (it can’t display it anyhow), it can output 4k/120 natively. This should make gamers wanting a very big screen very happy.

Most importantly for those that care about the very best picture is the inclusion of JVC’s Frame Adapt HDR and Theater Optimizer features. These can take the raw HDR signal and tone map it frame-by-frame for the most dynamic color possible. While, in theory, HDR10+’s metadata should create the same picture, too often the metadata isn’t correct. Frame-by-frame dynamic tone mapping often gives users the best picture.

Lastly, the JVC DLA-NP5 projector will remember your setting for each type of picture more. So SDR (2D), SDR (3D), HDR, and HLG will only have to be set once. After you calibrate for each of these picture modes, the projector will remember your settings. Very convenient!

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