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Xantech DL95 IR Receiver Kit

by Xantech
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DL95 - Universal Dinky Link IR Receiver

These small IR receivers have been designed for mounting in very small spaces. They may be mounted under shelf edges, cabinet ledges, in wall speakers, etc. anywhere an inconspicuous appearance is desired. The high sensitivity of these receivers allows placement behind speaker grilles and still receive IR commands up to 120 feet away.

  • Wire channel for clean installation.
  • System testing red-talk-back LED.
  • Includes 3-Terminal Block for easy extension to remote room locations.
Weight 0.1lb
Length 5.4in
Width 3.3in
Height 1.5in
Infrared carrier frequency bandwidth 25 - 60 kHz
Reception range Up to 120 feet
Reception angle +/- 60 degrees
Max. Transmission length 1 mile using 18 gauge wire
Maximum current output 100mA
Power requirements +12VDC, 10mA

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